Sunday Open League

6-end games with teams of four players. This league is open to all members with any experience from beginner to advanced. A great opportunity to play with new people, specific people and to play and learn new positions. Draw times begin at 10 AM and go into the early afternoon (pending number of teams).

Monday Night Open Doubles

6-end games played with 2 players on each team. It is a game where accuracy and strategy are quickly developed. Both teams of two and individuals are welcome to register. Draw times begin at 6 PM.

Tuesday Morning League

6-end games with teams of four players.  This is an open league for members of all ages and experience. Teams are organized by the draw committee. Draw time begins at 9:30 AM.

Tuesday Night Open League

8-end games with teams of four players.  Sign up as a team, a trio, a pair or individual.  Draw committee will do its best to complete unfilled teams. This league is open to all players with some league experience. This league is considered the club competitive league. Draw times begin at 6:30 PM.

Wednesday Night Veteran-Beginner Open League

NEW!!!! 8-end games with teams of four players.  This league is intended to help grow club play. A great opportunity for new or less experienced curlers to be teamed up with more experienced curlers. Every level of curler is encouraged to join.Sign up as an individual or list one person you would like to curl with. Teams will organized by the draw committee and will consist of two seasoned/experienced curlers and two less seasoned curlers. Draw times begin at 6:30 PM

Thursday Night Open League

8-end games with teams of four players. It is available to teams or individual players (men or women) without restriction. Draw committee will do its best to complete unfilled teams. This league is open to all members with any experience from beginner to advanced. A great opportunity to play with new people or your chosen team. Draw times begin at 6:30pm.

Friday Night 5 & Under League

8-end games with teams of four players. Open to brand new and novice curlers who have been playing for 5 years or less. Sign up as a team, a trio, a pair or individual.  Great for meeting and playing against other newer members of the club. Draw times beginning at 6:30 PM and later (pending number of teams).

Saturday Morning Open Doubles

6-end games played with 2 players on each team. It is a competitive game where accuracy and strategy are quickly developed. Both teams of two and individuals are welcome to register. Draw times begin at 8:00am and later, typically ending no later than noon (pending number of teams).

Saturday Night Open Mixed League

8-end games with teams typically comprised of both men and women. Sign up as an individual or list one person you would prefer to curl with (spouse, significant other, friend, etc). Teams will be compiled by the Draw Committee from those registering for this league. This is our primary “Broomstacking” event where food and drink is shared between teams. Draw times scheduled at 5PM and 7PM.

Saturday Junior League

Junior League games are tentatively scheduled for noon to 2PM. The Junior League is for new and experienced Curlers ages 12 through 21 years old (under 22). A youth under the age of 12 may become junior member if, in the judgement of the junior activities committee, they are physically, mentally and emotionally capable of safely and meaningfully participating in junior activities.